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The characteristics and differences of dry and wet cooling towers and wet cooling towers

Author:Trlon  Views:  Time:2021-10-15
The characteristics and differences of dry and wet cooling towers and wet cooling towers

  According to information from the Central Meteorological Observatory, this year’s No. 18 typhoon "Compasses" weakened into a tropical depression at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 14th. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, its center is located in the middle of the Beibu Gulf, which is 19.4 degrees north latitude and 106.5 degrees east longitude. There are 7 levels (14 m/s), and the lowest air pressure in the center is 1000 hPa.1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

  As the influence of the "compass" on our country is coming to an end, the Central Meteorological Observatory exempted the blue typhoon warning at 18:00 on the 14th.1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

  The closed cooling tower manufacturer trlon air conditioner takes us to take a look at the knowledge of three types of cooling towers about dry cooling towers, wet cooling towers and wet and dry cooling towers.1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

  A. Dry cooling tower: Hot water flows in the radiating coil, and it is cooled by touching heat transfer by the temperature difference with the air outside the pipe. So the characteristics of dry cooling towers are:1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

  ① There is no loss of water transpiration, no wind blowing and no loss of sewage, and the amount of make-up water is very small, so dry cooling towers are suitable for water-deficient areas, such as the northern region of China.1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

  ②The cooling of water relies on touch heat transfer, the cooling limit is the dry bulb temperature of the air, the efficiency is low, and the cooling outlet water temperature is high.1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

  ③ A large number of metal pipes (aluminum pipes, steel pipes or copper pipes) are required, so the cost is 4-10 times that of the wet tower with the same capacity. Because dry cooling towers have the latter two disadvantages, wet towers are generally used in areas where conditions permit1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

  B. Operating principle of wet cooling tower: hot water enters the cooling tower through the water inlet pipe, passes through the trough or tube water distribution system, so that the hot water is evenly distributed to the packing, passes through the packing through its own gravity, and falls into the pool at the bottom of the tower. It becomes the required cooling water to be reused. The air enters the tower from the air inlet, passes through the rain area under the packing, passes through the packing in the opposite direction (countercurrent) or straight direction (crossflow) with the hot water, passes through the collector, the fan, and is discharged from the wind carcass. The wet cooling tower has a good cooling effect because water and air are directly touched. This type of cooling tower has low cost and is the most widely used cooling tower.1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

  C. Dry and wet cooling tower: It is a combination of wet tower and dry tower. As shown in the figure above, the dry part is on the top and the wet part is on the bottom. The higher-temperature cooling water from the condenser, absorber or process equipment is delivered to the cooling coil of the wet and dry cooling tower under pressure by the cooling water pump. On the other hand, a pipeline pump is used to pump the water in the bottom pool of the cooling tower into the spray pipe, and then spray it on the outer surface of the cooling coil to absorb the heat of the cooling water, so that the temperature of the cooling water can be lowered. Today's article is here first, and we will continue to organize more and better articles when we have the opportunity. See you later.1kaCooling tower noise reduction treatment manufacturer

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